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Frequently Asked Questions

What is BorderPass?
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BorderPass is a digital platform that streamlines the immigration process for international students and schools (designated learning institutions, or DLIs).

We provide tools, guidance, and support to help make the immigration journey simpler, more transparent, and more affordable.

Why should I become a BorderPass Member?
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BorderPass was built by Canadian entrepreneurs and lawyers to help make the immigration process more transparent and accessable for both international students and DLIs.

What if I applied for a study permit and was refused?
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Our team of Canadian immigration lawyers will examine your case and advise on next steps to help ensure the best outcome can be achieved.

What if my study permit gets refused?
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BorderPass' conversion rates for International students exceeds 90% globally, which reduces churn, enhances reputation and provides international students with realistic expectations regarding likelihood of obtaining a permit.

When should I apply for my study permit?
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The sooner the better! We recommend starting your application as soon as you are accepted into your Canadian study program.

How much does BorderPass cost?
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A BorderPass Membership is very affordable, and may even be paid through your school.

Additional costs may include fees charged by the Government of Canada for immigration services (for example, a fee to apply for a study permit or work permit).  BorderPass does not control these fees.

Why use BorderPass ?
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We've helped thousands of international students...

How can I immigrate to Canada?
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While nobody can guarantee you'll be able to stay in Canada after studying, BorderPass gives you the tools and advice to plan your path...

How do I get started?
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First, you must apply and be accepted into a Canadian DLI (designated learning institute). Then, you'll need to apply for a study permit from IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada). That's where BorderPass comes in! Our Canadian immigration lawyers will review your application to help you prepare your best submission.

Haven't been accepted yet? Sign up for BorderPass101 emails so you'll be ready.

Why study in Canada?
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Canada is a world-class destination for education. With over 1,300 schools for international students, you can learn at some among the world's top colleges, universities, and trade schools.

Canada celebrates diverse cultures, a high quality of living, and safe communities. From large cities to welcoming communities, studying here can be a life-changing experience.

Have recent changes made it more difficult to study in Canada?
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While IRCC has made recent changes to the International Student Program, Canada remains a welcoming, world-class destination for education. Working with BorderPass can help ensure that your application is prepared for the best possible outcome.

What if I have more questions?
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Our team of immigration lawyers and experts is happy to help!If your question is about BorderPass, please reach out to our support team.If your question is about immigration or studying in Canada, your BorderPass Membership gets you email and chat support from our team of immigration lawyers and experts 24/7.